Jumaat, 13 April 2012

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07 di bukit merah - Google Blog Search

Update on Claims Made in Malaysia - RareMetalBlog

Posted: 13 Apr 2012 06:48 AM PDT

LynasLogoApril 12, 2012 (Source: Lynas) -- Lynas Corporation (ASX:LYC, OTC:LYSDY) is pleased to announce that the High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur has denied an application for leave to apply for a judicial review of the decision of the Malaysian Atomic Energy Licensing Board to approve the granting of a Temporary Operating Licence to the Lynas Advanced Materials Plant (LAMP) in Malaysia.  The application was referred to in Lynas' ASX announcement dated 23 February 2012.

Both Lynas and Malaysian Government opposed the application.

The Court ruled that because, as noted in Lynas' ASX announcement dated 9 March 2012 , there is an appeal in process to the Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology, it would not be appropriate for the Court to intervene in the matter.  Lynas understands that the appeal to the Minister will be heard in April 2012.

The Court ruled that because, as noted in Lynas' ASX announcement dated 9 March 2012 , there is an appeal in process to the Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology, it would not be appropriate for the Court to intervene in the matter.  Lynas understands that the appeal to the Minister will be heard in April 2012.

"This concerted political campaign, which is based on misinformation, is sabotaging the sciencebased, regulatory process established in Malaysia and confidence in that process," Mr Curtis said.

"Since the project was first approved in 2007 the LAMP has been subjected to the highest degree of scrutiny and public comment. It has been reviewed and received approval from both the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Malaysian Atomic Energy Licensing board and every safety box has been ticked. So it is disappointing that the highest safety standards integrated into the plant to protect human and environmental safety are ignored by a few people."

"The LAMP is safe for everyone concerned and we look forward to the day when that will be recognised."

In particular, Mr Curtis said, the continued attempts to link Lynas' plant to Bukit Merah are without foundation.

The tin mine waste used as the feedstock at Bukit Merah are completely different to the Mt Weld rare earths used to feed the LAMP. The Bukit Merah feedstock had radiation levels 30 times higher than the LAMP feedstock and the residue at Bukit Merah was 100 times the radiation levels of the LAMP by-product.

Bukit Merah would not gain approval under either international or Malaysian regulatory standards today, in contrast to the LAMP which complies with both.

"It is disturbing that this baseless scare campaign has created unnecessary anxiety and fear in the community. However, we will continue to address that misinformation now, when we receive our TOL and when we commence operations at LAMP," Mr Curtis said.

The next step in the extended approvals process Lynas is currently managing is the appeal to the Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology, as noted above.

"A country's strict regulatory standards and investment reputation can be quickly undermined by an environmental activist campaign designed to stifle and frustrate investment by lodging vexatious legal challenges and appeals," Mr Curtis said.

"The Malaysian Government must be able to provide certainty to Malaysian and international businesses that they will not be frustrated by a campaign of delay once those companies have completed the pre-defined and rigorous Malaysian Government regulatory approvals process.

"This misinformation campaign has frustrated Lynas, but our resolve and belief in the safety of the LAMP and the benefits that will flow once the LAMP can operate have not been diminished."

AELB perlu siasat tahap radiasi <b>Bukit Merah</b> - KeadilanDaily.com <b>...</b>

Posted: 22 Mar 2012 03:08 AM PDT

(Oleh: Mohd Martin Kahar)

KUALA LUMPUR, 22 Mac: Ahli Parlimen Gopeng, Dr Lee Boon Chye menggesa Lembaga Pelesenan Tenaga Atom (AELB) menyiasat radiasi berlebihan di sekeliling loji tinggalan Asian Rare Earth (ARE) di Bukit Merah dan tapak pelupusan sisa kekal di Bukit Kledang, di Ipoh.

Beliau berkata, menurut laporan gerakan Selamatkan Malaysia Stop Lynas (SMSL) tahap radiasi di kilang Mitsubishi Chemical, yang ditinggalkan hampir dua dekad lalu, masih merbahaya kepada kesihatan awam.

"Laporan didedahkan berkenan radioaktif yang tinggi iaitu 0.19 mikrosievert sejam di tapak kilang ARE dan 2.2 mikrosievert sejam di tapak pelupusan (di Bukit Kledang) dan ia bersamaan 1.75 mikrosievert setahun iaitu 75 peratus lebih tiggi daripada dikeluarkan oleh AELB," katanya katanya pada perbahasan usul tergempar yang dikemukakan Ahli Parlimen Batu Gajah, Fong Po Kuan.

Speaker Dewan Rakyat, Pandikar Amin Mulia pagi tadi meluluskan usul tergempar membahas dakwaan tahap radiasi berlebihan di ARE dan tapak pelupusan sisa kekal di Bukit Kledang.

Dalam perbahasan itu, Dr Lee  mencadangkan Kementerian Kesihatan melakukan kajian terperinci mengenai peratusan kecacatan kelahiran, leukimia dan kanser di kedua-dua kawasan berkenaan untuk mengesahkan dakwaan wujudnya radiasi berlebihan.

"Kita dimaklumkan di kawasan Bukit Merah sekurang-kurangnya tiga pekerja mengangkut sisa radioaktif ini mati awal, lapan kes luekimia dan ada kes kecacatan sejak lahir. Malangnya Kementerian Kesihatan setakat ini tidak mempunyai data kes tersebut," katanya.

Beliau yang juga Pengarah Biro Kesihatan KEADILAN berkata, di Mongolia, kajian menunjukkan hasil pertanian terjejas dan penduduk yang tinggal berdekatan kilang nadir menghadapi masalah kesihatan

Tambah beliau keadaan sama berlaku di China, apabila kajian kolej perubatan membuktikan kanak-kanak di kawasan kilang radioaktif itu menghadapi masalah IQ rendah berbanding kanak-kanak di kawasan lain.

8 Mac lalu Ketua Pengarah Lembaga Pelesenan Tenaga Atom (AELB) Datuk Raja Abdul Aziz Raja Adnan berkata tapak di kedua-dua kawasan itu selamat dijadikan taman rekreasi.

Menurutnya ia boleh dilakukan selepas kawasan tapak pelupusan sisa di Bukit Kledang itu dikedap sepenuhnya yang dijadualkan tahun depan.

Bagaimanapun, SMSL ketika melakukan lawatan ke tapak pelupusan tersebut mendapati kedua-duanya masih berbahaya walapun kilang berkenaan ditutup 18 tahun lalu.

Bacaan berhampiran tapak kilang adalah sekitar 0.19 mikrosievert setiap jam manakala bacaan berhampiran tapak pelupusan sisa pula berjumlah kira-kira 0.2 mikrosievert bagi setiap jam.

Kedua-dua bacaan, jika dihitungkan kepada bacaan asas tahunan, di luar tahap selamat iaitu pada 1 milisievert setiap tahun seperti yang dinasihatkan AELB.

Short URL: http://www.keadilandaily.com/?p=28486

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